
Streamlining report processing, hazard trending and risk management through AI automation.

Transform your risk management with CoAnalyst

Transform your risk management with CoAnalyst

Transform your risk management with CoAnalyst

Accelerate report processing: Process reports way faster with AI automation and automated workflows.

Maximize efficiency: Reduce future hiring costs and optimize team productivity.

Focus on critical issues: Prioritize high-risk reports and improve efficiency significantly.


Made for proactive risk management

What is CoAnalyst?

What is CoAnalyst?

Streamlined report processing, hazard identification, hazard trending, and risk management through AI and automated workflows.

Why choose CoAnalyst?

Why choose CoAnalyst?

Automated report processing

Massive time saving in closing reports

Auto hazard and event detection

Quick filter for high and low risk reports

Deeper risk insights

CoAnalyst benefits



Efficiency boost

Efficiency boost



Process reports faster with powerful AI features, including automated report summaries, auto-classifications, event and hazard detection, and the ability to identify high- and low-risk reports.



Complicated and manual SMS workflow for report processing, slowing down overall efficiency and responsiveness.

Focus on critical issues

Focus on critical issues



Quickly detect high-risk reports while reducing time spent on low-risk ones, allowing you to focus on the most pressing safety concerns.



Overlooking critical safety issues due to too much manual work on ever-growing data.

Actionable insights

Actionable insights



Gain insights and identify trends in safety data to enhance proactive measures and prevent critical events, thus improving overall safety.



Operate mainly reactively, relying on recovery measures rather than proactive barriers to prevent critical events.

Cost savings

Cost savings



Reduce future hiring costs with Beams AI automation, allowing existing teams to refocus their time and efforts.



Higher operational costs from increased data and staffing needs lead to inefficient resource use, affecting budget and scalability.

Core features

Made for your workflow

Detect high and low-risk reports

No more time wasted on identifying low-risk, low-priority, or service reports. Focus on high-risk reports instead.

AI report summary

Save time analyzing safety reports with our AI, which provides quick summaries and highlights key points and hazards.

AI hazard identification and trending

Beams RSI automatically identifies, monitors, and trends hazards in safety reports and within your organization to prevent critical events and reveal patterns.

Automatic safety translation

Encourage your employees to submit reports in their native language to ensure the highest data quality. Our AI technology can automatically translate any language into English.

AI hazard scanning historical data

Our AI instantly scans all historical data to identify hazards across your organization, providing better insights.

AI hazard correlation mapping

AI hazard-to-hazard correlations enable continuous monitoring of critical patterns and support the creation of bowties in Beams.

Pulse - daily and weekly spotlight

Pulse provides real-time automated daily, monthly, and weekly event summaries, promotion and awareness generated by AI.

Upcoming releases

The Beams Safety and Intelligence Platform regularly introduces new features. Soon, users will gain insights into hazard-to-event correlations, allowing continuous monitoring of critical risk scores. Stay tuned!

Take the next step in safety management

Take the next step in safety management

Discover how CoAnaylst can help you.


What our customers say about Beams

“Beams AI enables airBaltic to detect potential hazards in near real-time, allowing our operation to respond swiftly and effectively, ensuring the safety and efficiency of our flights. We're proud to lead the industry in using advanced risk management technologies.”

“Beams AI enables airBaltic to detect potential hazards in near real-time, allowing our operation to respond swiftly and effectively, ensuring the safety and efficiency of our flights. We're proud to lead the industry in using advanced risk management technologies.”

Pauls Cālītis

Pauls Cālītis

Chief Operations Officer and Board member at airBaltic

Direct integration with IQSMS

Beams and ASQS have established a long-term partnership to make CoAnalyst available to IQSMS users, offering a seamless integration within the IQSMS platform.

Beams and ASQS have established a long-term partnership to make CoAnalyst available to IQSMS users, offering a seamless integration within the IQSMS platform.

Günther Schindl

CEO & Co-Founder ASQS

“Beams CoAnalyst is definitely the most revolutionary feature released in any safety management system (SMS) software globally within the last decade.”

“Beams CoAnalyst is definitely the most revolutionary feature released in any safety management system (SMS) software globally within the last decade.”

Innovate now

Enter the new phase of proactive and predictive risk management.

Artificial intelligence for safety risk management

Artificial intelligence for safety risk management

Artificial intelligence for safety risk management